Marathon Patient Success Stories

After Joining Her Health Center, Brandy Took Control of Her Health

Written by Marathon Health | Feb 4, 2019 5:00:00 AM

I first visited the Marathon Health MyClinic @ Northlake approximately three years ago. Honestly, I’m not sure if I remember exactly why, but it was either to get my biometric screening or due to a cold. I can access the clinic through my husband’s employer benefits with the City of Charlotte.

At the time, I wasn’t actively in control of my health and was more than frustrated by the climbing co-pay every time I stepped into a doctor’s office. We heard we could access the Marathon Health Charlotte MyClinic network with no copay, and I admit I was more than skeptical at first. I thought, “There’s no way this is quality healthcare if there’s no copay and there are so many locations to choose from.” Reluctantly, though, and because I had lost hope in my previous primary care physician, I decided to schedule an appointment.

When I first met Dr. Teressa Watts, I was blown away. She is very attentive, knowledgeable, and personable. At some point early on in our medical relationship, I ended up asking Dr. Watts, “So, could you be my primary doctor?” And thus, it began.

Before becoming Dr. Watts’ patient, I was already diagnosed with bipolar disorder, hypertension, prediabetes, anxiety, and endometriosis with PCOS. I requested all of my medical records to be sent to Dr. Watts and updated her on all my present-day medical conditions. It’s quite a laundry list of conditions to take on from a brand-new patient, but I think she could tell I was struggling to find a doctor that I could connect with, confide in and have hope in.

Shortly thereafter, I had an onset of tough allergies that I didn’t even know I had. I went through months of difficult breathing, chronic sinus infections, and headaches. After several treatments of inhalers, nebulizers, and steroids, Dr. Watts referred me to Carolina Asthma & Allergy—it was a real game-changer! I’m now receiving two allergy injections weekly and haven’t suffered a sinus infection in over a year. I’m so thankful that Dr. Watts didn’t continue to drag out one round of antibiotics after another and one inhaler on top of the other. She realized something else was going on and was quick to refer me to an allergist. The entire process was very seamless.

My next obstacle – weight loss. Boy, what a challenge that is! Dr. Watts has never made me feel inferior or bad about my weight. She has always listened to every single complaint and treated each one individually while educating me on its relation to my overall health. Around the latter part of 2017, I voiced my sincerest desire to Dr. Watts to be healthier and lose weight. She was very realistic with me and explained that I shouldn’t expect too much from myself over the holiday season. She told me that it’s one small decision after another, and I have to tackle a different task daily and take small steps towards that giant goal. I made some drastic changes in my diet in January of 2018 and in February I joined Weight Watchers. By June, I had successfully lost over 60 pounds and couldn’t wait to see Dr. Watts again and show her.

At my most recent biometric screening, my waist is the smallest it has been in two years, my blood pressure is spectacular, I’m no longer at risk for prediabetes and my allergies are very well-managed.

Since becoming a patient of the Marathon Health health center, I’ve been able to find a wonderful balance for all of my different medications, and for the first time in my life, I feel completely in control of my health. I know that I have a lot of work left to do, but I’m hopeful and supported in reaching my goals.

Dr. Watts and I communicate often on the Marathon Health portal, in person, and via phone consultations. I believe she has a vested interest in me, my health, and my well-being. Dr. Watts understands my nuances and how particular I am about seeing different providers. She knows that I drive 45 minutes one way just to see her and she is always very respectful of my time with her.

I used to dread going to the doctor’s office. I used to feel completely hopeless—as if a good doctor didn’t even exist. The availability and accessibility of the Marathon Health clinic cannot be matched. From the immediate sick visits at any of their locations to the delivery of prescriptions from HomeMeds, I’m beyond impressed and so thankful. If I still feared having to call a doctor or drag myself into their office, there’s no doubt I would not be in such a healthy state of mind and body as I am now.

Thank you, Dr. Watts, and to each and every nurse and phone representative, I’ve ever encountered at Marathon Health! I’ve literally never had a single negative or unpleasant experience in over three years. Dr. Watts, Lori Buckner, Teresa Watson, Beth Scheck, and Nichelle Simpson have changed my life. I’m so humbled and beyond blessed to be their patient (their favorite patient, I’m sure!).

“At my most recent biometric screening, my waist is the smallest it has been in two years, my blood pressure is spectacular, I’m no longer at risk for prediabetes, and my allergies are very well managed.”

Brandy Teets