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Employees Make Dramatic Life Improvements with Network Health Center Support

September 3rd, 2024 | 3 min. read

By Kristy Esch

Employer Network Health Centers Make Big Impact on Lives

Ever wonder if employer-sponsored Network health centers actually work in improving employee lives? We’ve gathered some awe-inspiring member success stories.

Marathon Health’s care teams focus on building relationships with your employees to improve their health and quality of life, and we strengthen those moments at every turn.

We’re not just treating symptoms, we’re helping employees improve their lives – which means better health outcomes and lower healthcare costs for everyone.

Learn how our members are seeing success by partnering with their employer healthcare team at Network health centers to take control of their health and improve symptoms and pain.

James Manages Diabetes Better 

James Wright became aware he had diabetes after dealing with extreme tiredness, blurred vision and having to go into the hospital for acute diabetic ketoacidosis. “I was hospitalized for three days after finding my blood glucose level was nearly 500,” he says. “It was a very eye-opening experience.”

James had access to the Marathon Health Network centers through his employer, scheduled a virtual visit and was able to get an appointment immediately. “The hospital system had a four-month wait for a primary care physician,” James recalls.

Although James asked a lot of questions, he says the Network doctor took the time to answer every one of them. “He gave me instructions on how to take new medication and what I would need to do to get off the medicine,” James says. “That was important to me.”

James also worked with a Network health coach to learn how to eat healthier and started working out regularly. “I was able to get my A1C down from 11 to 5.7,” James says. “I’ve been able to stop taking many of the medications for diabetes, and I’m living healthier for myself and my family. I’ve lost 65 pounds and I’m continuing to lose weight. I feel 100 times better.”

Read James’ Full Story

Elsa Takes Control of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with Help of Network Health Center

Elsa Lopez was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) right after high school and began treatment. But after social distancing and isolating during the COVID-19 pandemic, she says her symptoms spiraled out of control and her vitamin D levels plummeted. “I gained weight, grew unwanted hair all over my body, developed acne, and suffered from anxiety and depression,” Elsa says.

Using the Marathon Health benefits offered by her employer, she made an appointment with Clinical Director and Family Nurse Practitioner Cindy Freeman at a Network health center in Orlando.

“Cindy was great,” Elsa says. “She listened when I wanted healthy options to control my hormonal imbalance without excessive medications. She developed a personalized treatment plan and gave me expert advice. When I experienced heavy bleeding, she kept me calm and offered iron supplements.”

Today, Elsa says she is becoming more fit and having regular periods. “I feel much more confident now that I have a medical team that directly supports my condition,” Elsa says.

Read Elsa’s Full Story

Network Health Center Care Team Helps Brennan Relieve Shoulder Pain

Brennan Killian was experiencing shoulder pain during certain activities and knew he needed to find rehabilitation exercises to lessen the pain and regain better range of motion.

He scheduled his annual physical required by his employer at the Marathon Health Network and mentioned his shoulder pain to Physical Therapist Rebecca Mitchell. “Rebecca asked questions about my pain level, range of motion, and daily activities, then she examined my shoulder,” Brennan says. The physical therapist also suggested some rehab and flexibility exercises he could do at home.

“Thanks to Rebecca’s help, I now try to do stretching and rehab exercises every day to improve my strength and flexibility,” Brennan says. “My shoulder feels better each day, and I’m even sleeping better because I’m not in pain!

Brennan’s advice: Don’t just live with pain. “With the right kind of help, motivation, and rehabilitation exercises, pain can be improved,” he says.

Read Brennan’s Full Story

LaShaunda Loses Weight, Lowers A1c After Biometric Screening at her Employer Network Health Center

LaShaunda’s annual biometric screening showed her A1c level was in the pre-diabetic range. She says she didn’t want to develop diabetes, or become a long-term diabetic, so she took advantage of the Marathon Health benefits offered through my employer and visited a local Network health center.

“I met Family Nurse Practitioner Sabrina McCluskey, who helped me understand the cause of my elevated A1c level,” LaShaunda says. “I joined a weight loss program and scheduled follow-up visits for routine blood work to monitor my progress.

Today, LaShaunda has been able to lose 30 pounds and lower her A1c. “Sabrina empowered me to make realistic health changes and praised my efforts. Improving my health gave me the motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At Marathon, I don’t feel like another number. I feel like a normal person with important needs.”

Read LaShaunda’s full story

Employee Donna Loses Weight, Lowers Cholesterol, and Gains Confidence

Donna Rust quit smoking in 2013, but says she was still overweight, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and COPD. “I felt bad all the time,” Donna says. “I had no energy, and I struggled with low self-esteem because of my weight. I had a hard time breathing, and I could barely walk 200 feet without feeling exhausted.”

As part of her employer-sponsored benefits, Donna visited a Marathon Health Network and saw Physician’s Assistant Brooke Curry. “Brooke was absolutely great! She helped me decide to lose weight, get my blood pressure under control and improve my overall health. Brooke encouraged me to exercise daily and to cut down on sweets, starch, carbs and salt.”

Since making changes, Donna says she’s lost 35 pounds. “My cholesterol went from 289 to 150, I have a lot more energy, and my breathing is so much better,” she says. “This improvement has changed my life.”

Read Donna’s full story

Read More Marathon Health Member Success Stories