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Experience Better Care Work with an Onsite Health Center


Take your healthcare benefit to a new level with a private health center at or near your corporate office, manufacturing facility, or school campus.

Take advanced primary care to a new level with improved outcomes for employees

Onsite and nearsite health centers offer numerous benefits for employers, contributing to the well-being of employees and the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the organization.

Convenient and customized care down the hall

With an onsite or nearsite health center, employees can access the care they need right at work. With appointments right down the hall or around the corner, employees can take less time off of work and benefit from a collaborative and integrated care approach.

Onsite health centers allow your organization to customize the services available based on the needs of its workforce. Start with our award-winning advanced primary care model and complement it with additional care solutions.

A benefit that enhances employee engagement and satisfaction

Longer patient visits (averaging over 30 minutes) allow for more personalized care, better management of chronic conditions, and higher employee satisfaction. Our onsite and nearsite health centers maintain a 95% patient satisfaction rate, which is the industry's best.

Your employees also have access to our virtual primary care services when they are out of the office. Our digital tools, like our comprehensive patient portal and mobile app, make it easy for them to stay connected to their health no matter where they are.

Each patient interaction leads to savings to your bottom line

Healthier employees mean fewer sick days and higher productivity. The benefits extend beyond a more efficient workforce and directly to your bottom line. Our partners see average annual savings of $1,800 per engaged employee.

Onsite and nearsite health centers can also improve your organization's reputation as a caring and supportive employer, enhancing employee loyalty and reducing turnover. 

Our onsite and nearsite health centers are designed for your workforce

Our onsite and nearsite health centers provide the highest levels of patient experience and are customized to fit your organization's culture.

We make getting started as easy as 1-2-3

We'll be there every step of the way to guide you through determining the best solutions through integrating our services into your existing healthcare plans.

Talk to Us

Determine Your Healthcare Needs

Meet with one of our experts to discuss what solutions will best serve your population.


Choose Your Solutions

Our experts will work with your team to craft a tailored solution and provide a customized proposal and ROI analysis.


Offer a Better Healthcare Experience

Provide your workforce with a healthcare service focused on improving their health and lowering costs for everyone.

Experience healthcare differently with Marathon Health

Ditch the broken healthcare system and provide your workforce with a benefit focused on improving their health and lowering costs for everyone.