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Marathon Health Customer Forum 2011

September 3rd, 2024 | 2 min. read

By Marathon Health

Last month, Marathon Health hosted our inaugural customer forum and brought in clients from across the country – from small businesses to large corporations to local governments – to collaborate on best practices in onsite healthcare. The event was well-attended and included several presentations from our leadership team about new developments at Marathon Health, as well as presentations from client representatives about successes they’re having engaging their workforce. We had some informative discussions about the bright future of onsite healthcare and will be incorporating many of the ideas shared into both clinical and technological enhancements. We like to practice what we preach here at Marathon Health, so the forum also included a mid-afternoon bike ride along Lake Champlain that allowed everyone to burn off some calories before lunch.

One of the forum’s most fulfilling aspects was the chance to recognize some of our clients for their commitment to improving the health of their employees. All of our clients deserve praise for making access to primary care, health coaching, and other wellness services a top priority, but these individuals were singled out for their unwavering commitment to improve the lives of their employees.

Award recipients included:

– Mike Sessions of Vermont-based PC Construction received the Trailblazer Award. PC Construction was one of the early adopters of onsite wellness and much of that credit can go to Mike. Mike knew that in order to bend his company’s healthcare spending curve, he had to help those small numbers of high-risk employees who account for a disproportionate share of the total healthcare spend. Mike worked with us and helped establish our first circuit rider model, by which our clinicians establish a traveling schedule to meet with employees at PC Construction locations along the East Coast. Under Mike’s leadership, PC Construction’s engagement has gone from 53 percent of employees screened to 94 percent in just four years. Congrats to Mike.

– Allison Brown of Minnesota-based hair care company Regis also received the Trailblazer Award. Regis was another of our very first clients and it was Allison who helped persuade her fellow executives at Regis about the value of onsite healthcare. We began with onsite services at the Regis corporate headquarters in 2007, and have since expanded services to include women’s healthcare and dependent care, among others. Allison helped shepherd this transition and is a leader in the field of onsite wellness. Congrats to Allison.

– Kate Scanlon of Massachusetts-based medical device manufacturer Accellent received the Engagement Excellence Award for her role in helping Accellent employees achieve near-perfect engagement rates. Marathon Health clinicians were able to achieve a 97% engagement rate of Accellent employees identified as being at high risk for a chronic condition or who had an existing chronic condition. And this is across 15 Accellent locations. Kate deserves a lot of credit for helping her employees understand the importance of healthy eating habits and regular exercise. The staggering engagement rate is a testament to her leadership. Congrats to Kate.

– Marsha Brock of Tennessee-based freight management company Averitt Express received the Keep on Truckin’ Award. From the first day the Averitt onsite health center opened a year ago, they surpassed engagement rate expectations. Marsha’s vision in addressing the full spectrum of health and wellness needs of Averitt employees includes both an onsite fitness center and health center. This integrated approach to a total wellness package has meant high engagement numbers from the very beginning. Congrats to Marsha.